What is PPC?

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What is PPC?

What is PPC and what can it do for you?


Having a great website is the start – and a very good one at that. But what’s the point of a great website without visitors?

You can take the “destiny” approach and hope that people just find your website by themselves (or with a little help from SEO) but that’s hardly proactive. It is like having a shop but not telling anyone about it, hoping that the right passer-by is passing by.

Car dealerships are not unfamiliar with advertising. It used to be that entire sections of local newspapers were dedicated to automotive adverts and dealerships would pay up week after week, partly in fear of giving their competitors the edge if they didn’t.

Fortunately, those days are gone. Not because the concept of advertising is a bad one, but putting money into something without really knowing if it delivered the desired results is as effective as wetting your finger and holding it up in the breeze.

Going digital to get to the right people

Fewer people head to the newspapers when they are in the market nowadays. Most of them hit the internet. And most of them do so via Google.

Of course, your website will appear in Google search results free of charge, and that’s great. But what if it doesn’t appear for some key search terms or, worse still, if your competitors appear above you in the list?

Pay-per-click (PPC) search advertising allows you to jump the queue and appear towards the top, if not the very top, of the results for searches that tell you that the user is interested in buying a car or commercial vehicle in the immediate future.

By targeting intent drive phrases such as “new cars for sale near me” rather than something broader, we know that the people we are advertising to are the people you want to be talking to.

And the great thing is, we can narrow it down geographically; so these are people in the market, actively looking and near you!

Now isn’t that worth paying for?

If it doesn’t work, you don’t pay

But you don’t even need to pay all the time. You only pay when someone clicks on your advert, either to visit your website or call you directly, hence the name. In other words, you only pay when you get results. No print advertising could ever claim that.

However, it doesn’t stop there. As digital advertisers, we can see what happens when people come to your website from the adverts. We can see if they then become a lead and we can then optimise our adverts to deliver more people like that to your website.
PPC adverts keep learning to drive results and deliver ROI. And they are budget friendly – you call the shots and can increase or decrease the budget at any time.

But one thing hasn’t changed since the days of newspaper advertising; if you aren’t doing it and your competitors are, you’re missing out.

Don’t miss out. Speak with the PPC specialists at Autoweb Design today about how we can get PPC set up and delivering leads to your dealership.