Revamp Your Emails

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Revamp Your Emails

Email drives more return on investment than any other marketing channel. If 2019 is the year that you’re looking to boost your revenue and consumer engagement, revamping your email program is one of the most achievable ways to do so.
It’s hard to argue that receiving email is now often met with a groan. The reason? we’re inundated with emails with the average person receiving 121 a day. We don’t hate all email, just the ones we don’t want to read and the numbers agree with me. When it comes down to it, consumers still derive tangible benefits from email and marketers still get a real payback.

If you want your messages to land in the inbox rather than the spam folder and you want subscribers to appreciate and engage with our messages, 2019 is the time to revamp your email.

Set expectations.
Be clear about what subscribers are signing up for and make sure expectations align with reality.

Make a positive impression.
As a follow up, ensure that your email program delivers on the promises that you make.

Get a clear picture of the email lifecycle -Review the complete subscriber lifecycle, from opt-in to opt-out and be sure that content and business rules are implemented.

Tidy up your UX - A disjointed or clunky user experience can evoke a range of emotions, from mild frustration to downright rage.

Josie Mumby
Josie Mumby
Digitsl Marketing Executive at Autoweb Design