How to write optimised vehicle listings

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How to write optimised vehicle listings

How to write optimised vehicle listing descriptions

Author: Natalie Banks - Digital Marketing Specialist

Have you ever taken a step back and thought about how you write your used car descriptions?

If not, now might be the time.

Whilst your vehicle detail page might not need to be SEO optimised, purely because the stock isn’t likely to hang around for long, the content on these pages do serve a purpose other than just filling a gap.

Buying a car is one of the most expensive things people will buy, so they aren’t likely to make rash decisions. It is thought that a staggering 59% of car buyers do online research before they make that final purchase, so having your used car listings as engaging as possible will give you a much better chance of getting that sale.

Comply with distance selling regulations

One reason to ensure you have a clear, and more importantly, correct vehicle descriptions is when you allow customers to transact online and want to comply with distance selling regulations.

Having a misleading vehicle description, or a description that negates to mention specific details can mean that the buyer is well within their rights to return the vehicle, which causes you additional work and could even cause you to lose money in the long run.

By ensuring your vehicle description is as clear and truthful as possible, you are reducing the chance of having to deal with customer complaints.

What should your vehicle description include?

When it comes to writing your vehicle descriptions, you should write as if you are introducing the car to a brand new audience and you are explaining the ins and outs from both a technical and aesthetics perspective.

Make + model – This one should go without saying. The make and model are likely to be the reason someone clicks through to the vehicle in the first place.

Colour – The main reason to list the colour is that desktop or mobile screens can often have different setting, making colours look different on every device. For example, what could look Red on one device, could look Orange on another.

Registration year – If a buyer is looking for a car that is under a specific age, they will filter by registration year. Often, the registration number can give away the registration year, but it’s clearer to have this listed in the description so there are no misunderstandings.

Mileage – Another filter often used by car buyers is the number of miles that car has done. If someone is planning to keep their next car for a long time, they may want a car that has

Previous owners – if you have this information to hand, some people may want to know how many previous owners the car has had as it can often give an idea of the condition. For example, one careful owner is more appealing that 3 owners who are likely to have treated the car differently.

General condition – Images may not give a clear representation of the quality of the vehicle. It really is best to be honest when it comes to describing the quality of the vehicle, then the buyer can make an informed decision whether they purchase or not. If you mislead, it can lead to the vehicle been returned. 

Capacity – If a car can accommodate up to 5 adults, let potential car buyers know this – it’s a great selling point and gives a good idea of the space inside the car.

Engine size – This might not seem overly important, but if the customer is a first time or younger driver, the engine size can have an impact on their insurance premium price, so it’s something people will look for.

This is by no means exhaustive, but we believe this is a good start when it comes to writing a clear and concise vehicle description that does not mislead your potential customers.


Natalie Banks
Natalie Banks
Digital Marketing Specialist at Autoweb Design