Google Consent Mode v2 (2024) - A Guide For Car Dealers

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Google Consent Mode v2 (2024) - A Guide For Car Dealers

Google is changing what you need to do if you use tracking tools like Google Analytics 4 or Google Ads tracking. Consent Mode, as it's known, is not the same as cookie consent. It is something else that car dealers need to put in place.

In summary, you need to tell Google what consent a website user has given. If you don't, you risk your Google tracking being switched off. In this post, we give car dealers the information they need to know about this important change.

What is Google Consent Mode?

Google Consent Mode is a feature that allows website owners to adjust how their Google tags behave based on user consent preferences. It helps to manage and control cookies and tracking technologies in compliance with data privacy regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the ePrivacy Directive.

With Google Consent Mode, website owners can configure their Google tags, such as Google Analytics and Google Ads, to adjust their behaviour based on the user's consent status. If a user has not provided consent for tracking cookies, the Google tags will be restricted from collecting and using their data for advertising and analytics purposes.

Version 2 of Consent Mode aims to provide a more robust and flexible solution for managing user consent preferences. The v2 changes will include updates to the Consent Mode API and enhancements to the user interface, making it easier for website owners to customise their consent management settings.

Google Consent Mode v2 will provide website owners with more options and control over managing user consent preferences, helping them ensure compliance with data privacy regulations while still utilising Google's advertising and analytics tools effectively.

Integrating Consent Mode with Your Car Dealer Website

Google's Consent Mode is a tool designed to help website owners and developers comply with various data privacy regulations, such as the GDPR, by controlling the use of cookies and personal data based on user consent. By implementing Consent Mode, you can ensure your car dealer website complies with the latest Google privacy requirements.

Your website provider should implement Google Consent Mode on your car dealer website. However, your dealership has to comply with privacy rules, so you should check with them to see if this is covered. Your integration needs to function as intended while respecting user privacy.

Implementing consent mode may involve updating cookie banners, scripts, and tags to ensure user consent is obtained correctly and honoured.

Ensuring you are on top of this new implementation is crucial to maintaining trust in your brand and continued access to Google tracking tools.

When Do I Need To Do This?

You must implement Google Consent Mode by 6th March 2024 based on current information. It is essential to stay informed about the timeline for this implementation and allocate resources to ensure a smooth transition.

As the deadline approaches, you should prioritise this task to avoid disruptions to your online operations.

After 6th March, there may be punitive action, such as the loss of tracking for those who are not compliant. However, this is not guaranteed to be the case immediately. Still, if you can get ahead of this, it's the safest option.


The Importance of Compliance with Privacy Laws for Car Dealers

It is crucial for automotive retailers to comply with privacy laws for several reasons. Firstly, consumer trust is a vital aspect of the automotive retail industry, and non-compliance with privacy laws can result in a loss of trust from customers. 

In today's digital age, where personal data is constantly being collected and shared, customers are increasingly concerned about their privacy and protecting their personal information. By complying with privacy laws, you can assure your customers that their data is handled securely and responsibly. Ultimately, this helps build and maintain trust.

Compliance with privacy laws is also important for the reputation of your business. A data breach or violation of privacy laws can have severe consequences for a dealership's reputation. 

Adverse publicity resulting from non-compliance can lead to a loss of customers. It can damage the overall brand image of the dealership and impact the business's success and profitability.

Furthermore, non-compliance with privacy laws can lead to legal consequences, including fines and penalties. The UK has strict privacy laws, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which require businesses to obtain consent before collecting and processing personal data. Failure to comply with these laws can result in significant financial penalties and legal action from affected individuals.

By implementing the necessary privacy measures, such as secure data storage and processing procedures, dealerships can ensure that they operate within legal boundaries, which can help mitigate the risk of data breaches and other security incidents.

David Levett
David Levett
Head of Digital Marketing at Autoweb Design