Google Algorithm Updates 2020

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Google Algorithm Updates 2020

Whilst we could potentially see thousands of Google algorithm updates each year, it’s the Core Algorithm Updates that have the most impact on SEO ranking. This month sees the first of these updates for 2020.

What is it?

Core Updates tend to be policy driven, top level, global amendments to the way websites rank organically, hence not seeing them happen that often; although in recent years with changes to semantic content, user experience and machine learning, we have seen that frequency increase.

What will the impact be?

Unfortunately for the SEO community, Google rarely offers much in the way of insight into the rationale behind the changes, let alone the details. Vigilance is critical at this time to monitor visibility, but at Autoweb Design, we expect to be advising our clients that content is still king! This means website owners must have a strong content strategy. End user experience has been central to Google’s ethos for some years now and 2020 is going to be no exception. We will all have to concentrate much harder on implementing strong, unique content that resonates with the end user and increase efforts to build domain authority to overtly establish credibility and trust.

What visibility changes have we seen so far?

At the date of writing this article, Core Algorithm Update results for our clients have been largely positive with incremental visibility increases seen for 68% of our clients. As is the way of the world however, when there are winners, there has to be some losers. We have seen minor impact show on 29% of clients whilst 3% have shown no impact changes.




David Levett
David Levett
Head of Digital Marketing at Autoweb Design