Facebook Automotive Ads – what’s not to love?

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Facebook Automotive Ads – what’s not to love?

Facebook may or may not be your thing, but it’s hard not to love their Automotive Ads. Here are four reasons why they could send you head over heels. 

Facebook has a multitude of ad formats, some specifically for car dealerships, each ad type is designed to initiate a specific response.  

You can drive people to your used car VDPs with their automotive inventory ads (ads automatically generated from your catalogue feed).  

You may want to get rid of excess old stock, if so, you can solicit real time offers from potential buyers via messenger using Click to Messenger ads. Incidentally Facebook Messenger can be integrated into your site’s live chat.  

Promoting an event? Get online RSVPs and completed lead forms using Facebook lead ads. The bottom line is, when people are on Facebook they are there to communicate.  

This is your chance to make a connection. 

Don’t let valuable customer data in your CRM just sit there. That data can drive highly targeted Facebook ad campaigns.  

Got customers coming to the end of a lease? Serve them Facebook ads telling them about your latest leasing deals.  

Want more service appointments? Send service offers as timely reminders to customers that may just need a nudge. 

So, you’ve retargeted site visitors and raided your CRM for customer data. How do you go about growing that customer base?  

Simple, just feed Facebook your best customer data and tell it to go and find more of the same. Facebook will analyse your data to understand your customers then find new potential customers with Facebook profiles that have similar characteristics. Hey presto, you have a lookalike audience of brand-new potential customers that are similar to your current best customers, and people with similar tastes and interests buy similar products. 

Honesty is the key to a good relationship 

How do you know if the time, effort and money spent on your Facebook ads campaign is delivering sales for you?  

Facebook’s offline conversion tracking lets you know.  

Offline conversion tracking allows you to see exactly how your offline sales were aided by your online Facebook marketing efforts. Discover which ads a specific buyer saw, and which ads got clicks. See if they filled out a lead form or booked an MOT via Messenger. Find out if they bought as a result of attending one of your events. 

Offline conversion tracking allows you to accurately account for your advertising spend and know that your campaigns are delivering the only metric that really matters, sales. 

Facebook Automotive Ads, like we said, what’s not to love? 

Natalie Banks
Natalie Banks
Digital Marketing Specialist at Autoweb Design