Digital Marketing Trends

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Digital Marketing Trends

Future Trends

With the first half of 2019 under our belts, myself and some of my digital marketing colleagues at Autoweb have been discussing what we see as high impact developments in 2019 within automotive digital marketing and here are our picks:

“I think that behavioural targeting using artificial intelligence will be a big thing in 2019. When dealerships tailor website content to users based on their behaviour it makes for a better experience and I am hoping to see artificial intelligence evolve to a level where it can tailor content in a much more efficient way.” ~ David Levett.

“The Google mobile-first index has been talked about for a long time, including blog posts that we have published. It looks to be coming into force soon and we need dealers to look at how their websites will be seen by this index in order to rank well.” ~ Eugen Bucurescu.

“I would really like to see an advancement in cross-device tracking so that we can see a website visitor’s digital journey from first becoming aware of a dealership through to making that enquiry. There are tools available to track a user journey that help marketers to attribute credit for enquiries in a smart way and spend their budget as best as possible but there is still a lot of progress to be made and I hope to see this in 2019” ~ Martin Dew.

Josie Mumby
Josie Mumby
Digitsl Marketing Executive at Autoweb Design