Are Your Communication Channels Working?

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Are Your Communication Channels Working?

Are your communication channels working for you and your customers?

In recent years we have seen digital communication and text messaging increase as popular forms of business-customer communication. Many consumers find phone calls intrusive and time-consuming, disrupting the flow of their day, whereas digital and text messages get straight to the point, and can be responded to when convenient.

In the automotive retail sector, we need to think very carefully about how we expect customers to interact with us at different stages of their path to purchase.

When someone is in a showroom, we can see their behaviour and assess the right level of interaction with them – leaving them to browse and providing the information that they need when appropriate. At Autoweb Design, we think that a similar approach should be adopted with your website.

Whether you offer text messaging, calls, emails or online forms, options for communication methods and information gathering should be clear and fitting at every stage of the road to purchase. The fact that different products may be more or less suitable for different customer profiles should also be taken into account when thinking about how the customer would like to communicate with you.

Speak to us today about our conversion rate optimisation services, and the range of communication methods we offer. We’re sure we can help you enhance the channels through which you and your customers interact, improving the customer’s buying experience to boost your sales.

Josie Mumby
Josie Mumby
Digitsl Marketing Executive at Autoweb Design